Friday, August 26, 2011

the month in utah is flying is it already the end of the month? i have so much to catch up on. ah! we've been go go go everyday. my mother has informed me i have not posted on my blog for awhile.... im pretty sure she is the only one that reads it/the only reason i do it. ha. this week has been a physically challenging week. cross fit it kicking my butt. literally. we are trying to fit in all of our river runs, climbing, hiking, tennis, longboarding. rollerblading, and everything else this last week. i'll post better. later. i promise. 
here are a few pics of this beautiful valley. 

bridal veil falls

friends and birthdays

ry ry's soccer game. he scored probably 8 goals.

the great dane had 13 puppies...2 died:(....i want one.

the sunset last night. breathtaking.