we celebrated our beautiful earth by hiding away in mt charleston all weekend long.
we took mowgli on one of our favorite day hikes, mary jane falls. he cruised up it with ease. i guess a lot of people thought mary jane falls was a good way to celebrate mother earth...it was too crowded for our liking so we left and drove until we found a secret spot hidden away from the world.
we built a fire pit (extra high because i was so worried about starting a forest fire. ha.) and then moved right in. i don't really get how camping is really "camping" if you're in a designated spot with benches, bathrooms, fresh drinking water and all that jazz.
this is the way we like it.
we made dinner over the fire.
obviously mine is the one on the right.
did i mention getting a fire started with flint is much harder than it looks. oh i didn't. well trust me, its hard. we thought we could go all man vs wild style. let's just say our survival skills are still a work in progress. ha.

lastly, i'll leave you with some pretty styling pics. not. good thing no one was around.
we are dirty happy campers.