Saturday, August 30, 2014

The tour life.

We started our tour in Atlantic city. The beach was our backyard. Literally. So we tried to really take advantage of that for the two weeks we were there. Its safe to say we were on the beach every single day minus maybe two. It was heaven. I'm telling you, river fits in so well at the beach we will have to live on one. Not for me, but for him;) And with that, I will leave you with a massive photo dump of our days at the beach, since half my phone pics are now full of them. 

      Little shark is ready for shark week

   Getting buried in the sand is so funny. 

Beach naps are much better than regular naps. 

                    Our little tribe.

Beach bummin at it's best. 

We already miss the beach. 


Travel month.

August has come and gone. Just like that. It has been quite the travel month going from utah to jersey to new york to ohio to chicago and then back to utah and we will eventually be ending in vegas. Whew. I am so grateful the husband could come the entire time as well. I don't know what I would do without him pretty much I am also grateful to our friend for taking such good care of mowgli while we are off touring. It doesn't get any easier leaving that boy behind, but it does ease my mind knowing he is in such good hands and with his two very best dog friends nonetheless. 

With that said, this month has been amazing, even with a few hiccups along the way. River has been a dream traveler even when our fight got delayed 8 hours, we got put on stand by, and then the airline lost all of our luggage (see what I mean by a few hiccups). We have been in taxis, trains, planes, boats, and cars. You name it. I read up on a lot of 'traveling with baby' forums and I wanted to share some that have really helped me. So...I used to think that keeping river up and trying to get him to sleep on the plane was a good idea, but I quickly learned (from a long flight from London) that a well rested, happy baby is much better to travel with. Sleeping is key to a happy river, so if you can give your babe a good morning nap or afternoon nap before your flight...let them take it! Also, I fed river on take off and landing, or I gave him some water in a bottle or let him suck his binki...that sucking motion is important for their little ears to pop. I bought some new books and toys just for the plane. I brought lots of little snacks and an iPad (we don't usually use the iPad, but I downloaded a couple apps for entertainment when worse comes to worst). Pack enough diapers and wipes and a change of clothes for those unexpected blowouts.  I also definitely brought Lysol spray and disinfectant wipes since river is at the prime age of touching everything and putting it in his mouth, and because I am slightly OCD. Ha. Other than that remember to breathe and just roll with whatever happens.

 Travel days can be stressful...but they can also be very easy if we just choose to let them. I was determined to have a calm flight going out...I was so calm that I made us miss our connecting flight. Oops. The husband was like, "let's hurry, we are boarding!" And I was all like, "it's fine. Relax." As I slowly walked river and I over to our gate just as they shut the doors for good. But guess what, we jumped on the next flight we could and it all seemed to work out. sorry about that one husband;) 

You realize how many other families there are traveling with babies when you are in that group too. Be patient with your little one and have fun. If you're calm and happy so are they:) 

Safe travels. 
