Thursday, April 23, 2015

18 months

yep, three months goes by just like that.  i have a freaking 1 1/2 year old. no more baby. i have an all out boy. we are learning all about boundaries and pushing limits right now. i feel that i am the one being taught most days though. this boy sure is teaching me what patience, unconditional love, and pure happiness is all about.  i am also learning that hard moments are only moments and can be changed into learning, loving, and peaceful moments instead. we just got done with a very looooong week with our baby daddy gone and me working a lot, and this boy having his first experience with being babysat every was rough, but we all learned a lot, and we can now say we survived! or as the croods would say (since thats currently your favorite movie), "still alive!" (yep, i now quote disney movies). ha.

i feel like our days are going by too fast. i want to remember every moment we have together. if i could, i would bottle you up right now and never let you grow up. you are the funniest kid. you remind me a lot of me. you are very shy, but love to perform. you have some legit dance moves too. dance parties at least once a day are a must at our house.  you are gaining more and more independence everyday, but you are still very much a mama's boy. i am ok with it. we have officially stopped breastfeeding as of three days ago, which is bitter sweet. i loved the bond it created and knowing that you are getting nature's best milk, but it is time to move on now, and i think we are both ready. you love eating rice, avocados, peanut butter pancakes, mom and dad's shakes in the morning, string cheese, oat granola bars, and you were an avid black bean lover, but now decided to spit them out anytime i give them to you. you know what candy is and i now have to hide them from you because thats all you would eat. i don't know where you got that sweet tooth from;) you love sharing any snack you get with your dog brother. its so sweet. you also love sitting on him, trying to play tug-o-war with him, and you try and get him to read to you. its my favorite thing, watching you and mowgli interact. we go on bike rides to the park almost everyday. you love wearing your helmet. you are obsessed with the garbage truck. anytime you hear it we have to run outside to watch it. you say "vroom vroom" whenever you hear a motorcycle or fast car,  and "honk honk" when you hear a truck backing up or a horn. you mostly love playing with your cars, tractors, and trains. you can put your animal puzzle together in seconds. you love to "fix" things by taking them apart and then trying to put them back together. i love when you do all the actions to the "popcorn" song or the "airplane" song we made up. you are too smart. you're a master communicator with pointing, signing, and grunting. ha. you say words like "moo" for moon, and a high pitched "go" for where did it go? Hiding things, and hide and seek are another favorite. i just found my chapstick in the couch, and i have yet to find the back of the remote. you are good.

there is so much i could write about you. you are such a strong willed, determined, loving, curious, and smart little boy. i think my most cherished time is putting you to sleep at night, because i usually don't get to do it since i work at night and you are already asleep when i get home. we read books, brush teeth (when you let me), and then say prayers. you are very good at folding your arms during the prayer. then we cuddle in bed and you make me tickle you to sleep. i always give you a few affirmations right before you drift off. you close your eyes and hold so still like you are listening so intently. i am so grateful i get to be your mother. i feel that it is the most important role i have in life. i love sharing in your experiences every day. life is so good my baby boy. 

 i love you river zen. 