Thursday, November 29, 2012


a little late to be doing a thanksgiving post. but what the heck... im still thankful. 
this year the husband and i made a "thankful jar".  everyday we would write something we were grateful for and then on thanksgiving we read them to each other, bound them, and made a little book of it.  i think its our new tradition that will stick for years to come:) 
gratitude is a quality that i want to master. 

this thanksgiving was just me and the husband...and mowgli of course:) we decided to spend our day where we are most nature. we hiked one of our favorite hikes, arizona hot springs. it is beauuuutiful! you hike down to the colorado river and end up at these amazing natural hot springs. 
we spent the entire day there. 

after our own little feast (at claim jumper) we ate pumpkin pie until we couldn't put another piece in our mouth. mowgli might have had a few bites too...i mean, just look at that face. ha.

food coma
i am thankful. 
happy thanksgiving.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

hike or die

 the fall time is the best time.

korea has once again taken my husband hostage.
 mowgli and i hike as much as possible to pass the time quicker when the husband is away. i think we went hiking every single day last week. 
hurry home husband! 
we miss you.

we decided to hike a new trail just outside of red rock. 
the weather looked nice starting out but then drastically changed when a big black cloud rolled in.
good thing i was in shorts. ugh.
it was fuh fuh freezing!

mowgli was just as confused as i by the snow that started falling.
it snows here in the desert too people. 

we love hiking.
happy november.


Friday, November 9, 2012

a birthday, a wedding, and a whole lot more.

here's to another successful trip to utah. 
i was hoping to get around to blogging a lot more....hoping to make these into a few separate posts, but once again life gets rolling and its all you can do to just hold on;)
so with that said, here goes a massive post along with a massive photo dump. 

mowgli's heaven
we got to utah just in time for the husband to turn the big 28 (plus 3, 5, or maybe 10 years...who is really counting;)). he also got to celebrate his special day with his sister because she got married on his birthday. yippee. it was one big, long party.

we started off the day with our favorite hike up sundance and ended with a moon light haunted lift ride. it wasn't cold at all. jk. but at least we had hot chocolate, hot cider, and each other to keep warm. awe.

jon and david celebrated their old age together
with my family the next day.
how cute.

anne's wedding was beautiful. 
she looked stunning. 
i am so happy for her and her family. she deserves the best;)

the next day i got to teach a couple master classes at my old studio which i loved and then i met up with my family at hee haw farms. there were corn mazes, hayrides, farm animals and lots more. we had fun running around with all the kiddos. 

we took my nieces and nephews to see the movie, frankenweenie and after decided to take who ever dared to the haunted forest. i'm pretty sure my littlest niece was the bravest of all. she led us through the entire forest like it was nothing. haha.
so fun. 

the next day was halloween. my fav. we were lucky to be in utah this year to trick-or-treat with the family. mowgli was a party popper. he wore himself out hiking all morning. he loves utah. 

we had a pumpkin carving party and dinner at my sisters before the kids ran off with all of their friends. the husband and i took the younger kids around the neighborhoods to get all the sugar they could possibly imagine. mowgli even got in on the action and got a couple treats at some houses he knocked as well. so funny. 

happy halloween.

i love my crazy family.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

one year old

my puppy isn't so little anymore :( mowgli turned one on october 17th. 
i can't believe it. where does the time go?  i look back at pictures of when we first got him and can't believe he was so small. 

i know i used to think how crazy people were for celebrating their dog's birthday but now i am one of them. ah!! i know mowgli doesn't know the difference but i had to celebrate his very first birthday or i'd feel like a horrible dog-mother. 

we let him eat breakfast in bed and then we took him hiking out in red rock ALL day. he also opened his presents and went bunny hunting at the, now i really sound like a crazy dog lady. haha. i don't care.
i love my now one year old puppy. 

happy birthday mowgli
