after spending a quick 24hrs in London we took off on the chunnel to explore Paris. it really is so romantic. i guess it helped to be exploring it with the man i love. it didn't matter that it was freezing because were so distracted by the beauty of this amazing city.
first thing we did when we got there was walk and walk and walk. the best way to get familiar with a city. the husband thinks he can speak any language and quickly began conversing with the locals for some of the best city guidance. and then we found ourselves right in front of the eiffel tower.
the twinkling lights at night made it all that much more surreal.
next up...the louvre. it was massive. by the end of the day i was practically running around making sure i had seen everything. definitely could have spent a couple of days there.
i heart museums.
unfortunately we visited the notre dame on the same day every school in paris did as well. it was a mad house of little kids and frantic teachers. we were in and out. it was pretty neat but i dont know if we could really capture the whole majesty of it.
we did end up going back to this one a few times up here^^^well, just because it is my favorite.
the beautiful basilica.
the husband is a nut. he makes any situation fun and he is probably the best world traveler. i love traveling with him. he makes even the hard situations easy, and he can laugh about it along the way. he also likes to jump. a lot. in front of or off of any building or special landmark.
i kinda love him.
things can get pretty weird at the red district, but i had to, just had to see THE moulin rouge.
we locked our love in Paris. |
arc de triomphe.
completed in 1836.

this museum was our favorite.
you could get right up to the paintings unlike the mona lisa.
vincent van gogh is one mad genius.
ciao paris.
you captured our hearts.