My baby girl turned 3 (on september 14). She is pure sunshine and full of so much joy. We don’t know how we lived life without her. I hate that she is growing up. I want to freeze her right now. She is just too dang funny, sweet, and full of saaaaass.
Her Current Favorites
Color: purple and blue
Animal: gorilla and polar bear
Food: noodles, pancakes
Drink: coca (coconut water)
Movie: Elsa (frozen)
Book: interactive ones (we read this poke-a-dot alphabet one nightly)
She loves swinging, riding her balance bike, all animals (snakes, spiders, you name it), riding “neigh neighs” at the farm, telling stories, building with magnatiles, playing poison ball on the tramp, making little setups around the house, her dog, babies, living room dance parties, makeup, and the list goes on. She is so full of life, sometimes we are just trying to keep up;)
Lately she has been going thru an attachment phase and is acting shy around people, but once she gets past that she is wild and silly. She is so sweet and always checks on her brothers. When I tell her, I love you, she always says, thank you back. She has to cuddle BOTH mom and dad at night before bed and we love it. She is so tiny and sweet, and gives the best hugs (when she decides to). We can’t get enough of her!
We celebrated by taking some friends and family to the butterfly museum (another one of her favorites) and then having a backyard butterfly party. It was so much fun! Thank you for all those that showed up for our baby girl. We love you! And now for a few pics, because what is a blog without pictures;) jk. still waiting on pics from the party, but here are a few from my phone.

Happy 3rd birthday Rumi Rey. We love you to infinity and beyond!
Happy 3rd birthday Rumi Rey. We love you to infinity and beyond!