He is now 7! 7?!?! Seven feels so old. I have this little human man now who has a big personality and has his own opinions and ideas. And I love it. Of course I miss my squishy baby rolly poley river monster, but I am taking in every stage with him and loving it all. I am so grateful I get to be present and there for it. This kid is one of a kind and totally rocks this motherhood role for me...in a good way. River has taught me more about myself in his seven years of life than I have learned in all my years of life. Thank you my little boyfriend.
Some of rivers favorite things at seven years old goes like this...
He loves stories, reading, telling, listening to, etc. He is still obsessed with dinosaurs and building/creating things. He can name any car we pass on the street, tell me the make and model and random facts about them. Just tonight we pulled up next to an Acura NSX (which I had no clue what that even was) and he was telling me how its the new Acura and it beat so and so, but then they made the new blah blah blah and I am just over here, like ok, I don’t even know what youre saying or how you know all this.
This kid is incredibly aware, pays attention to detail, is very in tune with his emotions and the emotions around him, but he also has this wild, silly side where he loves to play pranks, reenact things for a laugh, and tease his baby sis. He is sweet and sour, but mostly sweet;)
His favorite color: grey and black
Favorite animal: a cat (he’s so allergic, but we go to cat cafes and adoption centers still because he truly loves them)
Favorite book: Harry Potter, but is super into the Sam Fox adventure series right now.
He loves drawing.
Tonight he said he wants to be a policeman when he grows up, but that also changes on the daily. Yesterday he wanted to be a photographer for super cars and races.
He thrives with one-on-one time, and our dates are some of my favorite memories. He does really well in school and is such a good student, but begs me every night not to go to school.
He is an animal lover at heart. He has been stung by bees four times already, but will always save one if its flipped over or stuck in a pool. He takes such good care of his dog brother and baby sister. He is a natural born leader and dances to the beat of his own drum. I am still learning to stay back far enough to get out of his way and let his journey unfold.
We love you River Zen.
To infinity and beyond.
You are smart. You are wise. You are strong. You are kind. You are important, and oh so loved.
Happy Seventh.