niagara falls was pretty dang cool. although the place has gotten pretty touristy the falls are breathtaking. we took maid of the mist and of course had to go titanic style at the very front of the boat. it should be called maid of the hurricane because the power of those falls is fierce. there is no way of coming off that boat not completely drenched. we loved it.
we are trying so hard to be sexy in our ugly blue ponchos.
we also drove to niagara on the lake which is a cute little town. we kept calling it viagra on the lake. it is a pretty old town. donny told us all about the fudge so of course we had to get some. maple leaf fudge was all that it was cracked up to be. yum. except we did get a stupid parking ticket in a matter of 3.5 seconds. i ran in to get some water to go on our hike and next thing you know a cop is writing a ticket and will not budge. stupid. the hike was amazing though. only 6k. my favorite part of the whole day. i love hiking and we got to hike right along the niagara river. so cool. i guess youre not suppose to swim but i had get in so i could say i've swam in the niagara waters:) the husband was awesome too because he just got knee surgery and didnt complain once. he's a keeper.

the falls were pretty cool at night i guess. ya right, they were amazing. they're a must see with the lights and the mist. another favorite.
oh last thing, did i mention that the town was really touristy and kinda creepy. i counted 3 wax museums on one block and they had a bunch of haunted houses. weird.
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