Thursday, November 3, 2011

a black swan halloween

 last minute black swan costumes=success. 

awhile back the husband thought it would be funny to dress up as black swans for halloween and go as "the swansens". he was joking, but i took him up on it (i will take any chance i can to get the husband in tights:)). i ordered awesome tutus a couple weeks in advance, but our shipment got delayed and didn't show up in time. bummer. we said, "oh well" and decided not to do anything. that was a dumb idea. luckily we realized that and went on a frantic costume hunt at 8pm halloween night. no luck at any of the halloween stores. just as our hopes were diminishing we stopped by our local wal-mart on the way back home. jackpot. all halloween stuff was 75% off. we got creative and found witches hats with feathers on them. i found the husband 8yr old white tights, got the only crowns in the store that were miniature, and all the black swan makeup we could possibly need. we just cut the witches hat top off and made the brim our tutu. perfect. 

we picked up the gang and headed out to studio 54. we watched our friend perform and danced the halloween night away. 

the husband is a good sport.
 it turned out to be a happy halloween after all:)

(i was super sad i missed being with my family and being able to take my little nieces and nephews trick-or-treating this year. i may or may not have started to cry when we were facetiming them. i love them)

1 comment:

  1. You guys are awesome! You are so mean to make him wear tights, unless he enjoyed it:) I think our dressing up days are fading away, but I am determined to bring them back next year!
