Wednesday, May 2, 2012

secret, secret. i've got a secret.

to a lot of people the desert can be ugly and just way too hot.
but mowgli and i have a secret spot that has a beauty of its own. it makes for a great place to beat the desert heat...that is if you can make it in past the first couple miles under the scorching sun. 

it is hidden by trees and surrounded by rocks and soft sand.
there are streams and pools all along the way. 
we sometimes forget we are even in a desert. 

its our secret place. 

i can't tell. 
but for now i'll leave you with some footage of mowgli
being a spaz. 



  1. Love it. You should bring Mowgli to visit Kota sometime.

  2. UMMMMM You're moving to Utah?!?!? Please say yes!!!
