i don't even know where this post is going right now, but i am on my computer this rainy sunday afternoon (hallelujah for the rain) and just started typing.
i have been reading, listening, and researching a lot lately. about lots of different things. life is so interesting. i have been reading the book, you can heal your life and i am learning more and more of the effect your thoughts have over you, your body, and others. the world can be so negative. people can be so negative, and if you're not careful, you can find yourself right there with them. negativity is intoxicating. it all starts with your thoughts. "we" are the only thinkers in our mind. we create our experiences, our reality, and everyone in it. when we create peace and balance in our mind, we will find it in our lives. i quote the wise deepak chopra when i say, don't let the body be the battle ground for the wars you wage in your mind.
i love this.
so true.
i can go on and on and on and on, but i will spare you of my babbling for now;)
here's to trying to find the light and positivity in the everyday things. negativity is a waste of time.
lets all be happy.
its more fun:)
speaking of fun.....here are a few pics of our "bond fire" when we were in utah a few weeks ago.

we love "bonding"with our family.
the kids versions of scary stories around the campfire=priceless
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