Tuesday, January 20, 2015

15 months

2015 crept right up on us, and before i knew it...I had a 15month old!

While we were in utah my sister did a quick little photoshoot. She is a master, because it was late and river decided not to nap that day. Awesome. I didnt think she even got one shot, but I was wrong.

I am obsessed. 

I love everything about this age (I love all stages and ages though. They are all so different. It's hard to see one stage go, but then the next one comes and you love it just as much or differently). I love watching river's personality shine and grow with each new experience.  He is such a strong, determined, demanding, hilarious, smart, curious, and happy little boy. He knows what he likes and will definitely let me know what he doesn't. He's a mamas boy at heart and is pretty shy until he gets to know you.  He loves his dog mowgli. This relationship is my favorite. Every little boy needs a dog. It's good for their soul. Mowgli has been such a patient older brother while River learns to "be soft". Reading time is another favorite. River will back right up onto your lap and want you to read to him. It's the cutest. Just tonight he backed up onto mowgli (mowgli's face) and wanted mowgs to read to him. Ha. He makes me laugh all day long. River still has a deep love for tractors, and pretty much anything with a motor. He loves brushing his teeth and dancing...sometimes at the same time. He has already mastered spinning and battements and walks everywhere on his tippy toes. He signs more, all done, milk, and is obsessed with blowing kisses. He is still breast fed, but will eat lots of Greek yogurt, broccoli, mac&cheese, and green juice his daddy makes. He loves playing hide and seek, racing his cars, and playing basketball. We bike to the park every day, but instead of playing on the slides he would rather collect rocks (or eat them) or find sprinklers, or throw things in the trash. He's unusual. He does love swinging. 
He loves animals...especially giraffes and crocodiles. He already is a master of distraction at bed time, and will run away once he is naked. He's all boy. And I am completely in love. It's sometimes scary having my whole heart running around outside my body. 

My boys. My loves. My world. 

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