I don't even know where the last 3 months have gone...well actually they went to moving, getting ready for a baby, and hiking...a lot of it. I have been living out of a suitcase since last November. Literally. Let me tell you how amazing it was to get our stuff out of storage and in a closet; an actual closet! Don't take the little things for granted;) And, don't expect your house to be finished when they tell you it will be...add at least a couple more months on to that. And...while we're at it, pregnancy is not 9 months...its 10. 40 weeks is 10 months people, plus its an estimate...you can go longer! Ok, with that said, this pregnancy I have learned so much about life, myself, others, and what is truly important. I have been reading a ton of books, learning lots of different methods, and trying to gather all the knowledge I can so I can make the best decisions for me, my baby, and my family.
(I know I am being way random...I may be currently sleep deprived with my newborn and my husband gone; plus my dog-child is still adjusting on how to be an older brother (i spoiled him. i know. its completely my fault))

Anyway, I wanted to document the most amazing experience of my life thus far. No award, no performance...nothing can top what I have just gone through. The miracle of life is truly, truly a miracle. The whole time I was pregnant I tried to imagine this little life growing inside me and it didn't quite hit me until he was actually here. We had FINALLY moved into our house only a couple weeks before the little guy came. We were consumed with trying to get everything moved in, cleaned, and organized (its still a work in progress). The husband thought baby would come early, but when his due date rolled around there was no sign of baby. I wasn't too worried. We just continued hiking and playing tennis and doing the things we love...especially during this amazing fall weather in Utah (it has been over 5 years of living in vegas during my favorite season and nothing beats fall in utah). We got to celebrate Mowgli's 2nd birthday and spoil him one last time, because baby decided to make his appearance the next day.

I woke up October 18th like normal. The husband was getting our bikes out so we could bike up to the tennis courts and hit for a bit, but around 11:30am things got real. I didn't really know what hit me, but I felt some pretty intense cramping coming on. The thing was, they weren't very far apart. I think I just kept denying I was actually in labor and continued to try and clean and get ready to go play tennis, but I secretly grabbed the baby stuff just in case (the husband was still in the garage). I finally called my midwife at the birthing center and told her maybe, just maybe, I was starting to go into labor. She told me to take a warm shower and see if things progress or slow down and then give her a call in an hour. Well I did just that, but after my shower I barely had time in between to do anything (i was still in denial;)) The husband suggested we just go to the birthing center and get checked out then we at least know. I agreed, but told him, "we'll go there and i'll only be dilated to a 2 so lets just plan on taking mowgli hiking and we can grab food or something." ha. I don't really know what I was thinking, because the drive from elk ridge to orem was the longest drive of my life (I'm exaggerating.. a little). But I couldn't even sit in the front seat. I had to kneel in the back and try and just breathe. I finally asked my husband to time my waves (contractions). They were about 1 1/2 minutes apart. We got to the birth center at about 2pm and they checked me. I was dilated to a 5, so I had to stay...sorry Mowgli, no hiking today. We had David's sister come get our dog-child and I immediately jumped in the tub that the midwives got ready for me. It was instant relief. Really. I didn't think I wanted to actually birth in the tub, but when I got in, I couldn't imagine getting out. I remember I had to go to the bathroom, but I didn't want to get out of the tub. ha. When I did the waves were much harder to relax and breath through. I am pro-water birth all the way now. Its a night and day difference. Really.

All this time the husband was by my side. He was amazing. No really. He left one time to get some food and more coconut water for me, and I think that was the hardest time during my whole labor. He was such an amazing support. He helped me relax and gave me the confidence I needed through each wave. I had my hypnobirthing affirmations going on the whole time as well. We were going to have a doula and a photographer, but opted out at the last minute, and I'm so glad we did. It was such an amazing experience to be there with just me and my husband. No annoying monitors. No nurses running in and out. I was able to relax when it was just us two. We did have two midwives that checked me every so often and brought me water and cold rags. The feeling was so different than at a hospital. I have only witnessed births in a hospital, and for me, natural-out of a hospital was the only way to go. I labored a total of 6 hours. 2 at home and 4 at the birth center. I was in the tub the whole time until the last 20 minutes. Thats when things went a little different than planned, but I was confident the whole time in myself, my baby, my husband, and the midwives. My water broke and baby was ready to come out! His heart rate dropped pretty quickly so the midwives had me move to the bedroom. I just kept thinking,
no, i don't want to get out of the tub. ha. I reluctantly moved into the bedroom. I had oxygen on and they had me push for 15 minutes (which kind of went against what we had practiced with hypnobirthing. But it also taught me to be prepared and calm for any turn your birth takes). It was a little intense, but again, my husband was right by my side. And then next thing I knew, my little boy was on my tummy. Not inside. That moment is indescribable. This tiny little human that had been growing inside of me was now resting on my chest. All 7 lbs of him. I just kept giving him lots of positive affirmations and telling him how much i loved him. Its true, that love you feel for your baby the first time you hold him. I can't even explain. The husband cut the umbilical cord after it stopped pulsing, and we spent the next hours skin to skin and cuddling our little guy in bed. It was amazing. beyond amazing.
Our families came after we got all cleaned up and loved on him as well. We still couldn't come up with a name. We had a few, but nothing stuck out. I told the husband to just write something down and thats what it will be. He wrote, river zen campbell. it is perfect. we are in love. we stayed at the birth center until about 2am and then spent the rest of the night in our own bed cuddled up with our little ball of love.

I know I wasn't completely detailed of our birth story...I documented it better in my journal...I didn't want to weird out too many people;) Natural birth isn't for everyone, and I am so thankful for hospitals and doctors when there is an emergency, but for me...birth is not an emergency or surgery. It is natural, miraculous, and perfect. I didn't want to tamper with it in any way. I am more of a naturalist so it just makes sense to me;)
All I have to say is, people do your research!!! Understand what is being done to your body and your baby and why. If you're ok with it then thats all that matters, but please, do your research! The creation of life is truly a miracle and I am so grateful for my experience.
thats all.
im done.
LOVED IT!!! But totally was hoping for the gushy details. Haha! I've got to know though, did you tear? Cuz hiking a week later with stitches...?! Hello? Would have been impossible for me, but then again I lost a ton of blood. Fabulous advice. Fo reals people. Do your research! There are so many reasons why to avoid all the extra stuff even if it takes the pain away, it also takes away from the bonding. So incredibly happy for you! Birth is literally the most incredible thing in the world!
ReplyDeleteWhat a FABULOUS story! I loved ever single word. I would love to put it on the website, if you'd let me. Congratulations. He's beautiful.