We have currently been in the uk for two weeks now and aren't sure when we will be returning. Most likely by April. Who knows what life may bring. Sometimes I wonder what we are even doing? Ha.

Flying with baby put me into a whole new territory of traveling. I admit I was super worried how River would do and also about the billions of germs floating around. River was a champ! Me on the other hand, was wiping down all the seats and spraying disinfectant into the open air every time someone coughed. Why is it that when we are in confined spaces my senses are heightened to every sneeze, sniffle, and cough? I was so worried River would be crying that I didn't think there would be other babies crying. The two kids in front of us made it a fun flight. They cried the whole way. Ugh. I made sure to feed him/suck on his binki for take off and landings, and other than that Riv pretty much slept the whole time. A true champ I tell you. Just FYI, if the customs line is long, a breast fed child can get you right to the front. Thank you river.
Valentines day spent on the plane. So romantic. I cried. Ha. Mostly because valentines wasn't even on my mind with all the getting ready to leave (we kind of decided spur of the moment to just go for it) and packing and getting things in order, and then the husband whips out all these valentine surprises on a plane no less. He's the best.
London is cold. But for the most part (when River decides he will sit in his stroller) it doesn't stop us. I love the history of England. It is everywhere. In every cobblestone street. It makes my heart happy.
I was a bit worried (obviously since I mentioned it before) taking baby so far being so little, but he seems to be doing the best out of all of us. His sleep schedule is much better here and he has even mastered the art of rolling over. We got gym passes with a gym that has a swimming pool, so that's where we spend a lot of our days since it's usually rainy or too cold to play outside. If river could eat and sleep in the water he would. He's a little fish. I keep telling the husband we need to live on a beach because River is destined to be a beach baby. No really.
Everyone has been super friendly. Or maybe everything seems nicer with that beautiful British accent? Accent or not I have encountered such kind people. Like when we were trying to get into our flat and all the power went out in our whole building, both neighbors brought candles, matches, and flashlights. Or any time I try and take the tube for that matter. Strollers and subways do not go together. There is always a kind mate that is ready and willing to carry my buggy down the flight of steps. Or when I'm at the gym trying to dress River and I from the pool, a sweet mum will offer to hold riv for me. I am reminded of such kindness and I am always deeply grateful. I love being in a city filled with such diversity. Our ward (in the LDS church) is filled with Africans, Indians, Polynesians, ect. It's nice being in the minority. All of these "adventures" humble me. Open my eyes. Get me out of my comfort zone. I am very vulnerable right now...Being a new mom and being in a whole new country all while the husband is in another country. Although somedays it is very hard, it makes me grow. I always want to keep growing. I always want River to keep growing and experiencing life and all it has to offer. So although we may not have it quite all figured out, I am grateful for the journey we are on.
Miss you!!! Love reading about your adventures:) in Vegas right now!