Monday, December 5, 2011

chi town

we made it to chicago!!! i can't even express how happy i am to be out of detroit and in a city where there are people out and about and just civilization in general. detroit was a ghost town. i never really felt totally safe walking the few places i did. im happy to report that day 1 in my new home has already brought me grocery shopping at trader joes (so happy about this), h&m, nordstrom rack, and a froyo on the corner of our hotel. yipee. there is much much more too. can't wait til tomorrow when the husband arrives so we can explore all this great city has to offer. 

opening night at the oriental theater tomorrow! 


  1. How fun! I want to go to h&m with you:)

  2. Kelene, how fun for you to be having such great experiences in your dancing travels. You are so lucky to see so many places...I'm glad you're out of Detroit too, didn't sound like the greatest place to be. Love you, be safe. Aunt Ann
