our first week in chicago down... and it did not disappoint.
chicago is amazing. i am in love. its the nicer, cleaner, less crowded version NYC. the husband arrived on tuesday. i can't believe how happy i was to jump in his arms. 8 days away is too long if you ask me. we have been exploring since the moment he got here.
did i mention that i love this city?
rehearsing at the oriental theater. another amazing venue.
celebrating our opening night at quarantinos with some of the cast. oh and donny sharing his birthday popcorn from garret's....yummm
sears tower=ellis tower
it was really scary. 103 floors up. but the view of chicago was breathtaking.

we went to navy pier on pearl harbor day. we even got the entire ferris wheel to ourselves.
i had to get a pic with the two most famous women of chicago.
exploring this city and experiencing some tasty food. i may or may not have gained 10lbs this last week.
my sis and her hubby flew in sat for a quick visit. they pretty much flew in, came to my show, ate lots of pizza, shopped, went to the amazing ryan adams concert at the cadillac theater, ate more yummy food, and flew home early mon morning. it was fun to have them here even if it was so short. the concert was sooo sooo good! i got over the fact that he is married to mandy moore by the first song. that guys is a musical genius. love him.
Looks amazing! Can't believe you stood on that glass that high.. you are crazy!